PsiWin 1.1


Once you have installed Psiwin 1.1 the next stage is setting it up. If you brought the disk version then this is well explained in the manual. If however you have downloaded it from Psion's Website (see PsiWin 1.0 for more information) then the following information may be of interest to you.


The first thing to do is to connect you Psion to your PC with the PC Link/3-Link cable. Set the Link to "Link Cable" and note the speed you have used.

The Link Dialog

Now start Psiwn Manager (Start->Programs->PsiWin->Psion Manager). On the User setup Screen type a name for the logon. If you have more than one Psion name them (e.g. 3c, Siena) or if several people are going to use the program your name (Tom3c, John3a). On the comunication settings screen set the port to use and the speed.

Communications Settings Screen

Click OK and your Psion should connect to your PC. There is now only one more thing to set up.


Click on the backup Button The Backup Button. The screen shown (the Backup Setup Screen) allows you to control how bakups are performed. It is all pretty straight forward but note the following points:



